How to Choose the Right Laser Cleaner

How to choose the right laser cleaner

Whether water has rusted the bulkhead of your aircraft or hazardous paint is beginning to chip from your equipment, you require a cleaning solution that is both safe and effective. Laser ablation uses precision cleaning to remove contaminants such as oil, rust, mold release agents, paint, and more — but how can you choose the right laser cleaner for […]

Laser Cleaning Stone for Historic Stone Restoration & Conservation

laser cleaning stone

History isn’t always kind to items like historical artifacts and heirlooms. They rust, oxidize, begin to break down, and cleaning them to remove harsh contaminants without impacting the substrate is challenging. Even seemingly tough, coarse objects such as stones and tablets come with obstacles. Media blasting cleaning methods are out of the question, as the method is […]

Laser Cleaning vs Plasma Cleaning

Laser Cleaning vs Plasma Cleaning

Cleaning contaminants such as hazardous paints or rust can be difficult, and there are many things to consider — the safety of the environment and operators, what solution works best, and how the solution impacts your product. Blasting solutions are out of the question —why use a solution that’s just going to degrade your product […]

Rust Removal with Laser Cleaning

Rust Removal with Laser Cleaning

All metals corrode. It’s built within its chemical compound. When treated properly some metals take longer to corrode. But, the fact is that at some point, your metal will experience corrosion such as rust. When this happens, you look for ways to remove the corrosion — and there are many options out there. From sandblasting […]