

Adapt Laser Celebrates 20 Year Anniversary

This January marks a big one as we celebrate our 20th anniversary as a company. Since our start we have grown into North America’s premier distributor of high-end laser cleaning systems and filtration units. Today we are proud to offer state-of-the-art low, mid, and high power lasers to companies in the aerospace, automotive, and nuclear industries as well as branches of the military including the US Army, Air Force, Navy, and Army National Guard.

Adapt Laser’s Start

two laser sales men talk to a customer at a tradeshow for battery applications
Edwin & Georg At “The Battery Show 2022”

Partnering With cleanLASER

The idea for Adapt Laser started with a project the founder, Georg Heidelmann, had while still working back in his home country of Germany. Around 1998 a utility customer at his old job had requested that he look into this new laser cleaning technology for a lead abatement application. At the time, cleanLASER, based in Aachen, Germany, had just come out with their 120W laser, which was used for the testing. While it was slower than what was needed, the utility company saw the benefit and potential of the technology and helped cleanLASER to fund the development of the 500W laser cleaning system.

After moving permanently to the US, Georg kept his eye on the development of the CL500 system in Germany. Once complete, Georg called up the owner of cleanLASER, Edwin Buchter, and pitched him the idea of starting a laser cleaning business in the United States that served North America: Adapt Laser.

Adapt Laser Is Born

On January 8th, 2003 Adapt Laser Systems officially became a limited liability company in the state of Missouri. Since then, the company has more than quadrupled in size and includes service and sales teams with representatives and technicians located across the United States. Over 25 years later the partnership between cleanLASER and Adapt Laser gets stronger every year as we continue to develop new cutting-edge laser systems together.


Our cleanLASER Partnership“Everything was thrown at us, especially in the first 7 or 8 years. Bringing new technology into a market is not easy, we learned this the hard way during those early years. But we kept pushing and Adapt Laser grew to become the largest laser cleaning technology company in North America.”-Founder & Board Member Georg Heidelmann


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Plans For The Future

Tradeshows & On-Site Demos

Laser Sales Man Presents To Army National Guard
DoD & Aerospace Sales Manager Presenting At An Army National Guard Facility

This year we’ve already signed up for several tradeshows including the Waste Management Symposia 2023 next month in Phoenix, AZ, Warrior West in April, MegaRust and Warrior East both in June, and The Battery Show in September.

If you’re unable to make it to one of the tradeshows we’re exhibiting at, feel free to give us a call at (816) 466-5855, send us an email at info@adapt-laser, or contact us here. We have demo lasers in our centrally-located Kansas City, MO office that are ready to be shipped to facilities to perform live demonstrations with our laser sales representatives there to give a safety overview and answer questions.

Our Appreciation

To Our Customers

We want to give a huge thanks for the continued support of Adapt Laser. We truly wouldn’t be anywhere without our customers trusting us and this newer technology. With their feedback and help, we’ve been able to push the limits of our laser ablation technology even further.

To Our Partners

Our partners at cleanLASER have been essential in both the start-up of Adapt Laser as well as the continued support we’ve received from them. We look forward to many more years of working together.

To our partners at TEKA, our filtration systems supplier, another big thanks to you folks. Pairing our high-end laser systems with top-notch filtration units ultimately benefits both us and our customers.

Adapt Laser
The Adapt Laser Family

To Our Employees

We wouldn’t be able to make this company operate without all of your hard work and dedication. Our service, sales, engineering, administrative, marketing, and executive teams work together so well to create a fun and innovative environment.

A big thanks to you all for helping to continue to take this company further. Cheers to the next 20 years of Adapt Laser!






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Adapt Laser specializes in providing the highest-quality laser cleaning systems available. Our systems come in both handheld and automated options making them versatile for different coating removal applications and surface preparation. We offer formal laser operations and safety training to ensure both you and your employees get the most out of the laser cleaning system. Our headquarters is in Kansas City, MO but we have sales managers across the country who can travel to your facility for an on-site demo. Over the past 16 years we have equipped numerous companies across varying industries with our state-of-the-art laser cleaning systems.

If you’re looking for a faster, totally unique industrial cleaning and coating removal process, contact us today or call (816) 466-5855 to find the right laser cleaning system for your application.

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