
How Does Fume Extraction Work?

No matter your laser solution — whether it’s for cutting metal and etching, tattoo removal, or safely removing contaminants — your process can result in...

Laser Wire Stripping

In the world of electric vehicles, it is often the sleek designs and high-tech accoutrements that catch the eye of the public. However, one of...

U.S. Air Force Laser Cleaning

Vehicles and equipment in the US Air Force face a grueling existence. They are placed in the most extreme conditions and expected to perform with...

What is Laser Back Reflection & How Does It Impact Your Laser?

Laser ablation is one of the safest and most effective methods for cleaning products and prepping surfaces for bonding, welding, and coating. But, there are...

Buying Guide for Fume Extractor Filters

Fume extractors are essential for safely removing hazardous chemicals and other contaminants from your products. But, not all filter units are made the same. As...

Tips for Meeting OSHA Laser Cleaner Requirements

When you purchase a laser cleaning solution from Adapt Laser, you’re required to appoint a laser safety officer. This person is responsible for ensuring that...

Discover How Surface Preparation Solutions Outperform Traditional Methods