Adapt Laser’s CL600 is Navy-Approved

Navy Carrier ship carries planes over the ocean

Last week, the Department of Defense released a memorandum approving the use of our CL600 laser cleaning system on non-nuclear ships and extending a limited approval for in-service aircraft carrier applications and de-activated aircraft carrier applications and submarines. The private memorandum included sections summarizing the background, discussion, reports and testing, recommendations, ongoing and future work for the CL600.

The CL600 is one of our mid-power systems that comes in both handheld and automated options—optimizing mobility by hand as well as allowing for seamless integration on a robotic process. It’s the best mid-power system for pre-weld cleaning as well as mold cleaning. Other common applications include: targeted paint removal, targeted rust removal, and pre-adhesion cleaning.



US Air Force

Although the CL600 just got the Navy’s official seal of approval, our laser cleaning systems have a well-established presence at multiple US Air Force and US Army bases across the globe. Past work with the Air Force includes that at Travis Air Force Base, where their vehicles and equipment faced problems with large levels of corrosion build-up. After relying on orbital sanders and sandblasting to remove paint and rust, they decided to test laser cleaning technology’s effectiveness in search of time and cost savings. Once laser ablation proved to be more efficient than their previous methods, the airmen at TAFB were trained on our laser technology, and continue to use our systems today.

US Army

The Army has come to us with problems surrounding hexavalent chromium coating removal—a powerful anti-corrosive agent—due to it’s high levels of toxicity and presence on many large aircrafts. Prior to laser cleaning, they were using traditional cleaning processes like media blasting, abrasives, and solvents, all of which included more strenuous and expensive methods of cleanup and disposal. Because of the incredible health risks posed by hexavalent chromium, the Army has moved forward with implementing laser cleaning technologies into their future cleaning processes and we may see other branches of the military and the aerospace industry follow suit.

US Navy

Our past work with the US Navy includes the removal of hazardous paints from their warships. This application would be a perfect way to begin utilizing the CL600. Going forward, the Navy can largely benefit in three ways from laser ablation:


1. DECREASED PRODUCTION DOWNTIME: The laser ablation process will not only give the Navy the ability to create but also sustain the technology in its fleet. This will be the key to expanding the Navy’s advantage — getting ships out of the shipyard and back to sea in a faster and safer manner.

2. ACCESS TO A SAFER CLEANING METHOD: Conventional methods of cleaning require extensive extra work in both preparations and clean up to ensure the protection of workers and the environment. Laser ablation eliminates many of those steps.

3. AN EASIER OVERALL  CLEANING METHOD: Laser cleaning technologies provide overall ease-of-use due to their handheld or automated capabilities. This makes it easier to manipulate and clean where needed, enabling workers and sailors to complete a job faster while actually increasing the level of safety.




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Adapt Laser specializes in providing the highest-quality laser cleaning systems available. Our systems come in both handheld and automated options making them versatile for different applications and surface preparation. We offer formal laser operations and safety training to ensure both you and your employees get the most out of their laser cleaning system. Over the past 15 years we have helped equipped numerous companies across varying industries with our state-of-the-art laser cleaning solutions.

If you’re looking for a faster, totally unique industrial cleaning and coating removal process, contact us today or call (816) 466-5855 to find the right laser cleaning system for you.

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