

Adapt Laser To Exhibit At MegaRust West 2022

MEGARUST—West Coast 2022

WHAT: Annual Tradeshow Providing A Consolidated Focus On Navy Corrosion Issues

WHERE: San Diego Marriott Mission Valley in San Diego, CA—Booth Number: #35

WHEN: June 1st-3rd, 2022

PRESENTED BY: American Naval Society of Engineers (ANSE)

MegaRust is conducted annually to provide a consolidated focus on Navy corrosion issues. Currently,
corrosion is a major factor in the readiness and total ownership cost of naval systems and this conference 
is intended to provide updated information on programs, policies, standards, and fleet experience related to
corrosion. This opens the door for further discussion and sharing of information on technologies and strategies
for controlling corrosion.

Participants include representatives from military, industry, and government organizations involved with research 
and development, design, engineering, construction, maintenance, modernization and operation of naval systems 
that are potentially affected by corrosion. The conference covers all segments of the naval services including sea,
air, Marine Corps, vehicles, and facilities.


Oxidation occurs when atmospheric and environmental conditions interact with metal surfaces, causing the metal to corrode, or rust. This significantly hinders the lifespan and performance of parts and equipment. While traditional methods of rust removal and corrosion control involve blasting and lots of protective equipment, laser cleaning provides a better way forward.

Common uses of laser ablation include:

  • Rust and oxide removal
  • Corrosion prevention
  • Surface preparation for bonding/coating/welding

Laser cleaning offers a safe and much faster way to remove rust from any type of metal. It fully removes corrosion to the bare metal without altering the integrity of the metal. It also eliminates the hassle of having to dispose of hazardous waste. This means that once the cleaning is done, the job is done – providing the perfect solution for aircraft, ship, and armored vehicle maintenance.

Contact Adapt Laser

Benefits of laser corrosion removal include:

  • No damage to the substrate
  • Requires no secondary cleaning process
  • Produces no additional waste—environmentally friendly
  • Low maintenance systems with little additional cleanup
  • Up to 15x faster than other methods like media blasting
  • Easier on operators than media blasting or hand-grinding processes

Laser ablation is fast, safe, and it cleans without the need of any harsh media or chemicals. The quick setup and teardown time also makes laser cleaning a time saver for you and your team.


Since laser ablation can remove oxidation on metal surfaces without damaging the substrate layers, it provides a highly effective, nondestructive method of rust removal for military vehicles and equipment. Whereas traditional cleaning methods are time consuming and hazardous to both workers and the environment, laser cleaning offers a safer and more efficient alternative.

To control corrosion on their Aircraft Ground Equipment (AGE), the United States Air Force uses our CL1000 cleaning laser, which allows for targeting cleaning without impacting the equipment. The Army and Navy also have turned to laser cleaning due to its ability to clean their highly complex pieces of equipment so that they last longer and perform better throughout their lifespans, supporting the warfighter even in the most intense conditions.


Contact Adapt Laser




Adapt Laser specializes in providing the highest-quality laser cleaning systems available. Our systems come in both handheld and automated options making them versatile for different applications and surface preparation. We offer formal laser operations and safety training to ensure both you and your employees get the most out of their laser cleaning system. Over the past 15 years we have equipped numerous companies across varying industries with our state-of-the-art laser cleaning solutions.

If you’re looking for a faster, totally unique industrial cleaning and coating removal process, contact us today or call (816) 466-5855 to find the right laser cleaning system for you.

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